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Benefits of Donating Your Furniture

In America, there is such an abundance of goods.  We seek to tap into that abundance and put it into good use.

Beaded Necklace

We are deeply humbled and endlessly grateful for the meaningful impact YOUR generosity allows us to make in the community. Thanks to your thoughtful donations and loyal patronage, we've been able to furnish an entire apartment for a women in need, fresh from the Center for Victims. 


 Every piece of furniture donated here not just transforms a room, but it changes lives. From the cozy chair that offers comfort, the table that provides a space to share meals, to the bed that delivers a good night's sleep — every item carries its weight in love and hope.  


Your kind-hearted support has given someone a new start, a place to feel safe, and restore her life with dignity. This shows us the incredible power of community—a group of people coming together to lift others in times of need.  


Helping Local Women & Children in Our Pittsburgh Community

We are able to help out women and their children with free furniture and household goods.  These women are referred to us through certain programs where they have suffered hardships and need help with starting over.

Supporting Women & Girls All Over The World

Women Who Are Valued make the difference between a broken community and a thriving one.We believe that every girl, no matter where she lives, deserves the opportunity to embrace being a woman and contribute in meaningful ways to her community.  Women & girls were missing school and other activities every month because they could not afford disposable hygiene products. Grace Laborers goes in schools and other meeting places deep in the village & local communities in East Africa to train girls and women on the basic life skills on Menstrual Hygiene Management. The women & girls are given reusable pads and taught how they can make their own reusable pads by teaching them how to hand sew reusable pads with basic needle, thread and clean fabric.

Free Bibles

We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. And therefore we give Bibles away freely. Reading the Bible also can bring about great change in the lives of those addicted to drugs and alcohol.

Preserving the Environment

We are an Eco Friendly Business. For example, when you give your used couch to a family in need, you extend the life of that couch and keep it from going to the landfill. This benefits the environment and reduces the amount of new resources needed for manufacturing furniture

Thrift Store In Pittsburgh

The items we receive from donation pick ups and junk removals are cleaned & repaired and sold at affordable low prices to help the Pittsburgh Community that are in need.  The items that are not given away will be put in a local thrift store where it will be recycled to the local community. Proceeds help support our free furniture ministry for those in need.


Those that are referred to us will get their furniture & household items for free.

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